documentary photography

Upping the ante: Putting your photographs up for scrutiny.

Creating images that resonate with a wide audience, or any audience for that matter, can be like sifting for gold. The pioneers have long left the scene, and the chance of catching that glint of gold in a viewer’s eye amongst a million grains of sand, in the form of the photos we make is a hard task.

The Thrill Of The Shoot; Anxious times for photographers.

The Thrill Of The Shoot; Anxious times for photographers.

In February and March as the news from China was filtering through to the public via a seemingly unworried Prime Minister, the population knew things were about to change. It was in that state of mild fear and uncertainty that I last went out with the camera prior to the lockdown (Friday 13th March). I wanted to capture something of the anticipation of what lay ahead, and I had a hunch I wouldn’t be able to go out for a while.

Photographic Pause: A time for reflection

Photographic Pause: A time for reflection

I am writing this post as the whole world wrangles with what to do under the most unexpected of circumstances: that of dealing with COVID-19.

Things are changing on a daily basis, and London is edging ever closer to a full lockdown. The last two days have brought better weather and the urge to be outside, moving, and in the (distanced) company of others is magnetic.

Bus, Camera, Action

Bus, Camera, Action

I feel very engaged with the physicality of my journey, whether that is using my body to walk or cycle, or by fully engaging in my surroundings through sight and sound. Even these blogposts are a way of working through the project, in an exploratory fashion; a place to get my thoughts out, and to open a dialogue with anyone who feels like sharing.

How Sir Don McCullin has touched my life

How Sir Don McCullin has touched my life

If you know anything of the history of photography in it’s wider context, then you’ll know the work of Sir Don McCullin. In a recent show at Tate Britain, the byline stated ‘the most famous documentary photographer of our time’.