film photography

Upping the ante: Putting your photographs up for scrutiny.

Creating images that resonate with a wide audience, or any audience for that matter, can be like sifting for gold. The pioneers have long left the scene, and the chance of catching that glint of gold in a viewer’s eye amongst a million grains of sand, in the form of the photos we make is a hard task.

Eatwell's Explorations and Recitations - Part 1

Eatwell's Explorations and Recitations - Part 1

With this article begins a sub-series of blogposts about the many encounters I experience whilst out shooting. In a year that I have spent so much time on my own, I feel the need more than ever to share the nonsense that happens along the way. Thanks for reading!

Preparing for a photography project

Preparing for a photography project

More than two years ago I came up with an idea for a photography project, around a year ago I started to make notes and think about the project more intentionally, and three months ago I started to take pictures for the ‘project-proper’. But before all that, this happened…